How to add GIF animation to plot in R

Here is how to add GIF animation to the plot in R and draw extra attention. You can take a static ggplot2 plot and join it with GIF frames. As a result, you can create GIF in R with an infinite or finite loop.

Plot mean by group in R using ggplot2 or use other measures

Here is how to plot mean by group in R using ggplot2 or try other measures to summarize values. To demonstrate that, I will use a jitter plot. A jitter plot is great if you want to look at all data points by categories, but additional statistics might be useful for evaluation.

How to create a jitter plot in R with ggplot2, plotly, and base

Here are 3 ways to create a jitter plot in R, also called a strip chart or a dot plot which is a one-dimensional scatter plot. A jitter plot in R makes it easier to view overlapping data points by categorical or discrete values. In that scenario, the scatter plot groups all data points in… Continue reading How to create a jitter plot in R with ggplot2, plotly, and base

How to use different colors in the ggplot2 title in R

Different colors in the ggplot2 title might be useful to emphasize part of that or as a substitute for the R plot legend. It is not very easy to do, but worth it if it helps to draw the necessary attention.

Remove or modify plot gridlines in ggplot2 R

When it is necessary to make the plot that is looking cleaner, you might want to remove gridlines in the ggplot2 plot or at least modify them. Mainly gridlines are helpful if there is something to read against the plot axis. If it is not the case, try to remove them to improve your plot.… Continue reading Remove or modify plot gridlines in ggplot2 R

How to swap R plot axis or rotate axis labels in ggplot2

If it is necessary to swap the R plot axis, try to do that with the x and y arguments. Package ggplot2 allows you to swap the axis by using coord_flip, but it is mostly unnecessary. Try to fix the problem at the beginning.

Jitter chart in Excel with average line

A jitter chart in Excel is a beautiful way to use a scatterplot and randomly distribute data points to make them more visible. In other words, if your problem is overlapping data points in Excel, this might be a good solution.

Add marginal distribution in R with rug plot from ggplot2

The R rug plot using the ggplot2 package is an interesting way to add one-dimension marginal distribution in R to the plot. There are multiple ways how to use that, and here are a couple of examples in combination with a scatter plot.

How to change marker shape in the R plot

Sometimes you might wonder how to remove the border around dots in ggplot2, but all you have to do is change the marker shape in the R plot. When creating a plot in R that contains markers, it is possible to adjust the color, transparency, and also shape.

How to adjust R ggplot2 axis to start at 0 or set other limits

Here is how to change the beginning or end of the R plot axis or execute common adjustment – set the ggplot2 axis to start at 0. If it is not happening automatically, then you might want to force the origin of the R plot y-axis. A vertical axis beginning from zero is good practice… Continue reading How to adjust R ggplot2 axis to start at 0 or set other limits

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