How to get when a file is created or modified in R

Here is how to get information when the file is created or modified in R. With help of R, you can extract this and other valuable information about files.

Year and month combination in R

The year and month combination in R is possible in different ways. In my case, it is a combination in one data frame column that is logically sortable. For example, the combination in a format YYYYMM.

Switch Power BI chart axis dimensions

Here is a solution to add more analytical capabilities to your Power BI charts. Switch Power BI chart axis dimensions to get data grouped by dates, weeks, months, or any other way that you want. By modifying the data model, you can create a slicer that can swap the necessary scale of the axis. That… Continue reading Switch Power BI chart axis dimensions

How to calculate weighted average using DAX in Power BI

Here is how to calculate weighted average using DAX in Power BI. By creating a measure that calculates the weighted average, you can get results by necessary category.

Replace values in the entire R data frame or range of columns

Sometimes data frames or a wide range of columns might contain values that you want to remove or replace. Here is how to replace values in the entire R data frame or range of columns.

3 ways how to create OR logic in DAX

OR logic in DAX is frequently used in various Power BI calculations. The bad and the good news is that you can create that in multiple ways. In this post is 3 of them, and you can decide which is the best one for you.

Export data from R to Excel

Here is how to export data from R to Excel. If you want to write an R data frame in an xlsx file, here are multiple ways how to do that. You can do that quickly or by customizing Excel file content formatting and structure.

Top 6 Excel advanced filter tips and tricks

Here are my top 6 Excel advanced filter tips and tricks. It is a great tool to speed up and optimize filtering processes in Excel, and it is a good reason to master that more.

How to filter by data frame row number in R

RStudio data viewer is a great tool to look into data, but sometimes it is necessary to filter by data frame row number in R. By importing files, you might get a warning from parsing with a specified row number, and it might be necessary to do further investigation.

How to extract the pattern of numbers from text in R

Here is how to extract phone numbers, ids, or any other pattern of numbers from text in R. With the help of regex, it is possible to do this seemingly complicated task easily.

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