Split (separate) data frame column into rows by using R

seperate data frame column into rows by using R

When you have a data frame with a column content grouped by a delimiter, you might want to split that into rows by using R. Not so frequent activity as splitting column into multiple columns by separator.


Here is my data frame. One of the columns contains a text grouped by the delimiter. I selected only those rows that are necessary for demonstration.


mydf <- starwars %>%
  group_by(species) %>%
  summarise(all_names = paste(name, collapse = "; ")) %>% 
  filter(row_number() %in% c(15:18))

I used the knitr package to create a beautiful output in the R console.

mydf %>% knitr::kable()

#|species  |all_names                      |
#|Kaleesh  |Grievous                       |
#|Kaminoan |Lama Su; Taun We               |
#|Kel Dor  |Plo Koon                       |
#|Mirialan |Luminara Unduli; Barriss Offee |


Column into rows by using R

The easiest way to separate a column into rows using R is using the seperate_rows function from the tidyr package. Be careful with the delimiter if there is also whitespace. Of course, you can remove that after splitting into rows, but why not at once.

mydf %>% tidyr::separate_rows(all_names, sep = "; ")

## A tibble: 6 x 2
#  species  all_names      
#1 Kaleesh  Grievous       
#2 Kaminoan Lama Su        
#3 Kaminoan Taun We        
#4 Kel Dor  Plo Koon       
#5 Mirialan Luminara Unduli
#6 Mirialan Barriss Offee

If you want to do the opposite of separate_rows in R, then look at this post.

Remember that a single backslash used as a delimiter is considered an escape character, and here is how to deal with that.


Split data frame by multiple columns into rows

What if you have multiple columns that you want to split into rows simultaneously?

mydf <- starwars %>%
  group_by(species) %>%
    all_names = paste(name, collapse = "; "),
    all_names2 = paste(name, collapse = ", ")
  ) %>%
  filter(row_number() %in% c(15:18))

mydf %>% knitr::kable()

#|species  |all_names                      |all_names2                     |
#|Kaleesh  |Grievous                       |Grievous                       |
#|Kaminoan |Lama Su; Taun We               |Lama Su, Taun We               |
#|Kel Dor  |Plo Koon                       |Plo Koon                       |
#|Mirialan |Luminara Unduli; Barriss Offee |Luminara Unduli, Barriss Offee |

To do that, you can combine multiple seperate_rows functions, but as you can see, it creates all possible combinations.

mydf %>% 
  tidyr::separate_rows(all_names, sep = "; ") %>% 
  tidyr::separate_rows(all_names2, sep = ", ")

## A tibble: 10 x 3
#  species  all_names       all_names2     
#1 Kaleesh  Grievous        Grievous       
#2 Kaminoan Lama Su         Lama Su        
#3 Kaminoan Lama Su         Taun We        
#4 Kaminoan Taun We         Lama Su        
#5 Kaminoan Taun We         Taun We        
#6 Kel Dor  Plo Koon        Plo Koon       
#7 Mirialan Luminara Unduli Luminara Unduli
#8 Mirialan Luminara Unduli Barriss Offee  
#9 Mirialan Barriss Offee   Luminara Unduli
#10 Mirialan Barriss Offee   Barriss Offee

To deal with that, you can use the distinct function from dplyr, but how to use it depends on the scenario. In my case, it looks like this.

mydf %>% 
  tidyr::separate_rows(all_names, sep = "; ") %>% 
  tidyr::separate_rows(all_names2, sep = ", ") %>% 
  distinct(species, all_names,.keep_all = T)

## A tibble: 6 x 3
#  species  all_names       all_names2     
#1 Kaleesh  Grievous        Grievous       
#2 Kaminoan Lama Su         Lama Su        
#3 Kaminoan Taun We         Lama Su        
#4 Kel Dor  Plo Koon        Plo Koon       
#5 Mirialan Luminara Unduli Luminara Unduli
#6 Mirialan Barriss Offee   Luminara Unduli


Take a look at this post if you want to do the opposite – concatenation by a group in R.

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