Category: Power BI
Power Query error: We found extra characters at the end of JSON input
I was getting this error about extra characters at the end of JSON input while trying to connect to my JSON file in SharePoint with Power Query. Try to connect by using SharePoint Folder.
Power Query error: ResourceAccessForbiddenException
Here is one of the explanations if you have this Power Query error ResourceAccessForbiddenException while refreshing your data. If previously everything worked just fine, then the reason might be obsolete (old) authorization.
How to connect to SharePoint file with Power Query or Power BI
There is a couple of ways how to connect to the SharePoint file with Power Query, but first of all, I recommend the connection through SharePoint Folder. It is more versatile and can be used successfully with different file formats – CSV, TXT, Excel, or JSON.
How to make Power BI line chart with accented last data point
Here is my approach on how to make Microsoft Power BI line chart with accented last data point. It is flexible and can be used with filters.
How to identify outliers in Microsoft Power BI
One of the simplest methods that you can detect outliers in Power BI is visual detection and IQR method that is also used in box plots (sometimes called box and whisker plot).
How to convert accented characters to unaccented in R or Power BI
Sometimes it’s necessary to convert accented characters to non accented in R or Power BI for text analysis purposes. Accented characters might be a problem in texts with spelling mistakes and spoil the analysis.
Power BI line chart marker color conditional formatting
Even there is no straight forward option to build Power BI line chart marker color conditional formatting, you can do that, by using a bar chart formatting features.
Dynamic Power BI map visualization with coronavirus data
With the help of additional custom visualization, it is possible to create pretty awesome dynamic Power BI map visualization to see how things are changing during a time.
How to add leading zeros in R, Power Query, DAX or Excel
Here are multiple examples of how to add leading zeros in different ways and places. In these examples, I will add them to number 123. As a result, I will get 5 digits (00123).
How to combine Excel sheets with Power Query
Here is a simple and easy way how to combine tables from multiple Excel sheets with Power Query in Excel or Power BI. With this approach, merging will continue even if new sheets with new tables will be created in the future.