Get data from same week last year in Power BI

Here is how to get data from the same week last year in Power BI using DAX measure. I recommend using ISO week and year numbering to get an equal number of days each week and distinguish each year. Sometimes, when you have an unequal number of weeks in years, it might not be easy,… Continue reading Get data from same week last year in Power BI

Calculate last or previous value within Power BI

Here is how to calculate last, previous, or values other periods ago in Power BI using DAX measures. It is not always straightforward, and there are multiple approaches to how to do that.

Create group index column by using DAX

One way to create a group index by using DAX is with the function RANKX. How to do that depends on your dataset structure, but this example might give you a good idea or precise solution.

How to calculate moving average or sum in Power BI

A moving average can help to see data insights that sometimes are a little bit hidden behind seasonality. Here is how to calculate a moving average or sum in Power BI by using DAX. Sometimes moving average is called running or rolling average, but it is all the same.

How to highlight one line chart series among many in Power BI

If you have multiple line chart series in one chart, then here is how to highlight one series among many in Power BI dynamically. That will enhance the ability to analyze data and compare one series to others.

2 ways how to create separate Power BI charts with synchronized Y-axis

It is a great way to compare different data series if you create separate Power BI charts with a synchronized Y-axis. By using this technique, you can better distinguish the volume. Otherwise, it might be that something less important grabs your attention.

How to create a dynamic histogram in Power BI with adjustable bins

Here is how to create a dynamic histogram in Power BI. It changes with the help of a slicer that regulates data distribution groups (adjustable bins).

4 ways how to organize DAX measures in Power BI

Here are my favorite ways to organize DAX measures in Power BI that can save plenty of your time in larger projects.

How to create simple near real time dashboard in Power BI

Here is how to create a simple near real time Power BI dashboard that will work without extra costs or complicated authorization. The hardest part is to get the data often enough. But if you are familiar with programming languages like R or Python, or other tools that can run from the Windows command line… Continue reading How to create simple near real time dashboard in Power BI

How to connect to PostgreSQL database with Excel or Power BI

Here is how to connect to the PostgreSQL database with Excel or Power BI using the ODBC data source.

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