Replace R data frame column values conditionally

Here are multiple examples of how to replace R data frame values conditionally. Sometimes it is a specific value like NA, but sometimes exact columns, where you want to do the replacement.

Check if a column has a missing values (NA) in R

Here are easy ways how to check if an R data frame column has missing values (NA). It might impact results by using R functions like ifelse, and it is good to know where the NA values might cause a problem.

How to copy Excel chart format

Here is a time-saving tip on how to copy an Excel chart format. It is not so easy as Format Painter that can quickly copy necessary cell formatting, but faster than starting from scratch.

Grouped and ungrouped PivotTable column problem in Excel file

If you are using multiple PivotTables from the same data source, then there might be a problem (ungrouped PivotTable problem). The same column doesn’t work in a grouped and ungrouped state. At the moment, you are ungrouping grouped columns in other PivotTable, the same happening in other PivotTable. Here is how to change grouping in… Continue reading Grouped and ungrouped PivotTable column problem in Excel file

Calculate weighted AVERAGE in Excel

If you are looking for a weighted AVERAGE in Excel, I think you already know why. Here is an example of how to calculate it.

Last or first date of the month in R

Here is probably the easiest way how to get the last or first date of the month that might be helpful in further calculations in R. You will need a lubridate package.

Remove or replace unwanted characters in R

In a messy text might be a lot of characters that you don’t want to export to CSV or text files. That might cause a problem in loading them properly. Characters like tab, line breaks, or carriage returns. Here is how to remove or replace characters in R.

Start every string with a capital letter in R

If you want to start every string with a capital letter in R, you should know a reliable function that works in every situation. Same as the PROPER function in Excel. Of course, it is possible to write your R functions, but sometimes it is not worth the effort.

Extract date from datetime in R

Here are a couple of examples on how to extract date from datetime in R – with the results class of Date or POSIXct. If you have a large dataset, then here is my favorite solution at this moment with the function fastPOSIXct from the fasttime package that can extract date as POSIXct.

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