Category: DAX
Get the first and the last date of the week with DAX, Power BI
Sometimes it is necessary to get the first and the last date of the week with DAX to create additional information in the tooltip, filter only full week periods, use weeks for continuous chart axis, etc.
Get data from same week last year in Power BI
Here is how to get data from the same week last year in Power BI using DAX measure. I recommend using ISO week and year numbering to get an equal number of days each week and distinguish each year. Sometimes, when you have an unequal number of weeks in years, it might not be easy,…
How to calculate ISO week number and ISO year in DAX
ISO week number and ISO year calculation in DAX might be the best solution if you’re using the Power BI calculated table. They will give you the dimension of weeks with the same number of days and work for multiple years.
Calculate last or previous value within Power BI
Here is how to calculate last, previous, or values other periods ago in Power BI using DAX measures. It is not always straightforward, and there are multiple approaches to how to do that.
Create group index column by using DAX
One way to create a group index by using DAX is with the function RANKX. How to do that depends on your dataset structure, but this example might give you a good idea or precise solution.
Difference between DAX and Excel functions that looks the same
If you know Excel functions, it is easier for you in Power BI with DAX. Sometimes it is mentioned as an advantage. It is indeed, but sometimes there is a significant difference between DAX and Excel functions that looks the same. I’m not talking about cell references – those are obvious.
Convert TRUE and FALSE into 1 and 0 in Power BI
Here is a simple way how to convert TRUE and FALSE into 1 and 0 in Power BI. Precisely speaking – Power Query and DAX.
How to identify outliers in Microsoft Power BI
One of the simplest methods that you can detect outliers in Power BI is visual detection and IQR method that is also used in box plots (sometimes called box and whisker plot).
How to calculate today’s date in Excel, VBA code in Excel, DAX, Power Query, R, PowerShell, CMD and SQL
No matter what kind of tool you use need to get today’s date remains. Here is how to do that in eight different environments.